The annual Lake Improvement District (LID) meeting at 9 a.m. this Saturday includes discussion of the proposed five-year (2022-2026) budget that will be presented to the Todd County Board of Supervisors this fall. The full agenda for the LID meeting was sent to lakeshore property owners earlier this month. Also mailed was the agenda for the Big Swan Lake Association meeting that immediately follows the LID meeting at the Hub.
The LID budget proposal includes consideration of a possible increase of the special assessment the county supervisors authorize for lake water quality projects. Added funding may be needed for future phosphorus reduction projects to deal with the high levels found in Big Swan and its inlet streams to meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) standards. Attached is the full MPCA total daily maximum daily load (TMDL) report that includes the Big Swan watershed. See the Executive Summary and Project Overview before reading pages 114-118 concerning Big Swan Lake.