2021 stream inlet monitoring results reported

Attached is a report from Lee Daly, secretary of the Big Swan Lake Improvement District, with results from stream inlet monitoring done by RMB Labs this year on the lake. The last monitoring was done in 2018. 2021 Stream Inlet Monitoring Results.pdf

Read latest lake meeting reports

Attached are the minutes from the late summer meetings of the Big Swan Lake Improvement (LID) and the Big Swan Lake Association of Todd County. Also see the approved five-year LID budget that will be presented to the Todd County Board of Supervisors. 2021-LID-annual-meeting-minutes.pdf Big Swan Lake Association Fall 2021 Meeting Minutes.pdf LID 2022 – […]

Review MPCA report on high lake phosphorus levels

The annual Lake Improvement District (LID) meeting at 9 a.m. this Saturday includes discussion of the proposed five-year (2022-2026) budget that will be presented to the Todd County Board of Supervisors this fall. The full agenda for the LID meeting was sent to lakeshore property owners earlier this month. Also mailed was the agenda for […]

Lake’s 4th of July boat parade set for Sunday

The annual Big Swan boat parade will take place Sunday, July 4. Decorated boats and pontoons will assemble at the public landing/south campgrounds area prior to the 10:30 a.m. start. The boat judged best decorated will win $50. Get family and friends working on your patriotic watercraft display.

See you at the lake association’s spring meeting

This year’s Big Swan Lake Association of Todd County spring meeting will be held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 22, at the Hub Supper Club. The agenda will include: * Approval of fall 2020 meeting minutes (Mark Redding) * Review of financial statements (Jan Lind) * Annual membership dues (Jan Lind) * Review of […]

How to sign up for shoreline weed control

Lake Management, Inc. again this spring will do offshore control treatment for Curlyleaf Pondweed this spring, but due to the pandemic it has declined to treat shorelines of individual property owners as it has in the past. Another company, Lake Restoration, Inc., of Rogers, MN, has indicated it would work with individual property owners on […]

Walleye stocking completed for 2020

Bosek Fisheries of Garfield, Minn., stocked more than 700 pounds of walleye fingerlings in Big Swan Lake on Oct. 15 and 19 for the LID and the DNR. Ryan Bosek empties a netful of young fish from the bottom of one of the tanks. On hand for the LID and lake association was Al Leinen.

DNR reports on lake gill net survey

The DNR conducted a gill net survey on Big Swan between July 20 and 24, using 12 nets. Al Leinen, board member of both the association and LID, talked with a DNR surveyor, who agreed to provide the followup report. He also indicated that in the future lake owners may be able to keep netted […]

Walleye stocking planned Monday, Oct. 19

Jim Bosek of Bosek Fisheries plans to stock Big Swan with this year’s walleye fingerlings tomorrow, starting about 10:30 a.m. at the public landing. This year he will stock around 330 pounds of 6-7-inch fingerlings, as approved by lake association members. The DNR is also expected to do its 2020 walleye stocking at the lake […]